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This is the program where you send us an essay (about that month's rare card) and we send you that new rare card. One new rare card is available every month.
Special Offer for all new applicants: Sign up today and receive 3 of the rarest cards of the past (of you choice) by writing 3 essays about them. Your choice from our Master List: CLICK HERE FOR THE LIST

Submit your Monthly Essay by emailing our editor:

The 'Create Your Own Card' Contest  or CYOC is held every year starting September 1st and ends December 1st. During this time you may enter names of people from history for a chance to win $500 for being chosen as the #1 card by the public. For those found in the top 12 entries, these cards are made into rare cards and given out everytime you 1) order online, 2) ask for them at a convention we attend, or 3) by joining this club where you write an essay about current month's rare card and we send you that card in the mail. Starting last year we have given writers the ability to choose one of two rare cards as you see below. Please join us by registering and signing up for one of the three plans above.

2023 CYOC Contest Winners

Alternative Rare Card Program

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