We Need Your Help Spreading the Word about Historical Conquest

Hello, fellow Conquerors! We are still trying to spread the word to every corner of the world that history can be easy and fun to learn with Historical Conquest.
Our newest saying is that, “The Best Game in History” can be yours to play. As many of you might know we have hired a new retail salesman to help stores and ambassadors get Historical Conquest into the hands of more players. If you would like to help us with this effort, just email Zack or Steven (historicalconquest@gmail.com) any local game store, book store or museum gift shop that you think would be a great place to buy the game. We want to hold a national tournament in 2019 that will be even more exciting with a larger group of players, because it will allow us to offer better rewards and prizes. We may choose your retailer to host our regional tournament in your area. We would appreciate any help.
As always thank you for your help and support with our game.