In May of 1927 a bold and daring man began a journey that many of the time thought to be not only dangerous but sure death. Charles Augustus Lindbergh was a very passionate advocate of and pioneer in the new world of powered flight. Charles was already known for being one of the world’s top pilots. He spent a few years honing his skills as a graduate of the U.S. Air Service’s flight school, he flew mail for the U.S. Postal Service, and he had even spent some time flying as a Barnstormer (or aerial daredevil stunt pilot). Lindbergh decided to take up the challenge put forth by New York hotelier Raymond Orteig. Orteig offered a prize of $25,000 to the pilot who could perform the first successful nonstop flight made in either direction between New York City and Paris. Many thought it an impossible feat. But, in the early morning of May 20, 1927 Lindbergh took off from Roosevelt Field in New York State. In order to ensure Lindbergh had enough fuel to reach Paris, all extraneous gear, equipment and luxuries were removed in order to equip the plane with a larger than normal fuel tank. This meant Lindbergh did not even have the benefit of a parachute, it was truly a do or die mission. According to Lindbergh’s account of the 33 ½ hour flight (in his book, The Spirit of St. Louis) it was truly a physically taxing mission. Approximately half way through the flight he was feeling the effects of extreme fatigue. This could have proven to be fatal because the advent of autopilot was still many years away. It was at this time he stated he started to hear voices other than his own. He described the airplane fuselage as being filled with human-like ghostly presences which were transparent and seemingly weightless. Lindbergh also recounted then as having friendly human voices. The voices also conversed with him and advised him on his flight. They discussed problems with him regarding his navigation. He also recalled the voices, “giving me messages of importance unattainable in ordinary life”. These voices helped Charles to reach his destination of Le Bourget Airport outside of Paris at 10:22 pm on Saturday, May 21. While Lindbergh never openly stated what he thought the source of the voices were, he eluded to the possibility that they were Angels helping and watching over him on his dangerous journey.