I have been asked to explain the tournaments in the newsletter, so this is how I like to answer questions - public and so everyone can learn from you explanation. If you have a request to ask, or a question, please don’t hesitate to email us at general@historicalconquest.com. This is how we know we are writing newsletters that are relevant to your needs, wants, and desires so please don’t hesitate.
In this ongoing investigation into Historical Conquest, trying to give you the greatest return on your investment, this week we will turn to our local and virtual tournaments, held all around the United States and, hopefully soon the world. (P.S. If you want to start a tournament in another country, I would be… happy 😉 to come visit. Especially those in Australia, South Korea, Japan, and even the Philippines, which are some countries Historical Conquest is being sold)
We understand the frustration of not having people to play any game. Games just sit on the shelves for years with no one to play them. People get busy, siblings became disinterested, and even though one member of the family really wants to play, there is no one to play with them. Well, that doesn’t have to happen with Historical Conquest. With Historical Conquest we started creating tournaments around the United States with fans of the game running minigames with a few of their friends and classmates from their local homeschool coops. Our largest class is over 50 students, we need 9 more players to reach 1000 players nationwide, and we are nearing 100 tournaments around the US (that we know of).
In these gatherings students from the area come to play at schools, churches, libraries, and other public locations suitable for kids, where they feel comfortable and able to play Historical Conquest together. These gatherings usually happen once a month, maybe more depending on situations. Some are private to local coops or youth groups, but most are open to the public.
In these tournaments, each player receives the rare card of the month, just for attending. That rare card can be played in that gathering. There will be 2-3 games at this gathering. The winner of the tournament is not always the one that wins the prize. In the last two months, the winner was the oldest player and the player who brought the most friends who had not attended before. This way, everyone felt like they had a chance to win. Winners receive decks, cards, and other unique prizes.
At the same time that we pass out prizes we also give points to all those attending and you can track your points on our National Bracketing System: https://www.historicalconquest.com/national-bracketing-system. Points are distributed in this way. You earn 100 for attending and 100 for every game you win. There is a max of 400 points. We have 4 different gifts to send you if you reach different levels on the bracketing system, including 1,000 points gets you a lanyard and badge holder (badge holder is a new addition), 2,000 points gives you all of last year’s rare cards, 5,000 gives you the official Historical Conquest Winner’s Jacket, and 10,000 gives you your own playing card customized by you and you can give them out to friends.
So, there are tons of prizes and incentives for coming but what if there are no tournaments in your area, what do you do. We are always open to new Ambassadors, it cost nothing but a little time to set up a tournament and attend. We are even making it easier for you, we will come and run the first game for you if you sign up. There are some attendance requirements and scheduling requirements, but the creator of the game would be happy to come and help you host your first tournament. How cool is that? All you need to do is secure a time and place and he will try to be there to show you how to run the tournament and talk to your players about whatever topic you want them to hear. Please sign up today: https://www.historicalconquest.com/sign-up-to-host.
Now say that there are no tournaments in your area, and you have no one to join you, even if you were to host a tournament. This is when to consider attending one of our virtual tournaments. These are hosted on our Tournament Facebook page; it is a locked group so you have to ask for permission to join. Inside that group there is a private group where students can play and no one, visiting from Facebook, can see the content of the page, just the student and parents. We very much believe in privacy here at Historical Conquest. In the tournaments Trace and Clayton, two of our highest-ranking tournament champions and high school students, run the show. They will list the date and time and then provide a Google Hangout video conference link for all those to attend. Here the players show their battlefield of the game (normally on play mats but also without mats). The student’s face does not need to show up if they or their parents don’t desire. Again, the group is locked so everyone needs to be vetted to enter.
We want everyone to feel they received a great deal and learned a lot from Historical Conquest, so we do everything possible to make you a success and know the ins and out of playing the game. Next week we plan on teaching about the great benefits of the Rare Card Earning Program where you write an essay about the Rare Card of the Month and we send your student a rare card in the mail. Check it out and register here at: https://www.historicalconquest.com/rare-cards
Come September 1st, 2019 (until December 1st, 2019), we will be opening the Create Your Own Card contest to all those interested in submitting (names, dates of event, summaries, and abilities they should have for the game). The winner will win $500 cash. Okay in check form, we wouldn’t want to burden you with 500 $1 dollar bills. 😊
We are so excited to see what comes in this year because of these 3 reasons:
1) The person who submits the number one card picked by the public receives $500.
2) The top 12 will have their card made and a stack of them will be mailed to them.
3) Those that don't make it into the top 12 will have a second chance. These entries will be sorted and possibly added to the Randomized Booster pack now available: https://www.historicalconquest.com/product-page/hc-2-0-booster-pack-randomized
So stay tuned to our FB page for this release and link. The link will be released everywhere else on September 2nd, after Labor Day.